As many traditional suppliers are transitioning to MLC flash from SLC flash memory how can you be sure you are getting industrial grade flash memory products?
Consider this before buying any SLC flash memory:
Though MLC flash memory may be more cost effective to you it is not more reliable that SLC manufactured memory. SLC flash memory includes advanced wear leveling algorithms for better durability and longevity.
Industrial flash cards are temperature rated at -40C to +85C operating temperature. Additional specifications include shock ratings of 1500G and vibration tested to 20G.
Companies looking to replace older flash memory such as Sandisk, Kingston or SiliconSystems, will need to consider the proper level of support in addition to the correct flash hardware component.
Older cards having used the latest chips and BIOS of their time will be difficult to replace. Transitioning to a newer chipset with a new BIOS capable of addressing larger capacities will allow for the transition of legacy hardware to available flash products on the market today.
The search engines will return a plethora of potential hardware suppliers. However you must consider the post support available after you have purchased. Pre & Post support are critical to a smooth transition of hardware components.
One such partner to consider is www.SSDsDirect.com…. Armed with a new interactive website, product reviews, comments and questions related to SLC flash memory offers you the level of support you need to determine the right amount of support needed to complete you project in a successful and timely manner.
Ask your supplier is they offer samples and offer post technical support on the product as it relates to your installation. With you over 15 years of flash memory experience www.PCcardsDirect.com… and its affiliates offers a high level of support no available to most online e-Tail, retail and VAR.
Contact sales at PCcardsDirect.com… for additional information regarding this article.
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